Friday, 25 May 2012

Making a Blackboard/ Magnet Board which will enhance any room

How to turn an old silver tray into a blackboard/magnet board

 The first step is to drill two holes through your tray and pop a split pin into each hole. This allows the tray to lay flat against the wall, you then need to tie some form of string or wire onto the split pins at the back of the tray.

 Using blackboard paint, which is available at most hardware stores, layer 2-3 coats of paint.

I bought a packet of circle magnets from a craft shop and then stuck random buttons that were floating around the house on to the magnets with a Tarzan's Grip glue.
These trays look sensational in a group of five different sizes hanging together on a wall.
If you can't be bothered making a tray, but want problem, contact us and we can supply!

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