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Sunday, 14 April 2013

A Hot Tip for You

I was told only the other day that to remove sticky labels all you need to do is to hit it with hot air from the hair drier. Is this something that I should have known? Please tell me that I am not the only one that doesn't know this.  I feel kind of silly, like this is old news and no one bothered to tell me. So I tried it out and yep it worked!!!!!! Hopefully it will work on more than the few stickers that I attacked today....................

Oh and if your wondering why I am buying up on brass, I got another hot tip. That gold is going to be huge for 2014. It works well with my style so I will be grabbing what I can with a gold finish for trade and the home................


Katy said...

I had no idea you could remove sticky labels this way. This is great to know! Thanks for passing along the tip!

Claire said...

Nope, this was news to me too! Thanks for passing on the tip, saves me soaking and scrubbing in future...