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Tuesday 12 March 2013

John Olsen

In the latest Frankie March/April addition there is an article "meet the elders". They have interviewed four iconic Australian artists. One being John Olsen. I just loved what he had to say when he was asked "What have you discovered about failure?" His reply was, "A bad day's painting or failure doesn't concern me, because in failure you can learn something. You shouldn't get upset about it. Go pour yourself a glass of wine at the end of today, because there is tomorrow".  I feel that some days I can completely blow the precious time that I have to get things done. Things don't work out how I had planned, design faults running wild through my work!!! Ah it's frustrating and annoying but it is comforting to know that the great people out there have similar experiences that we do. They are 'great' because they are not disheartened or throw in the towel. They have substance and perseverance backing them,  their answer in defeating failure is to get back up on that horse the next day.............

Works by John Olsen

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